Updated Studio Protocol

  1. Students are required by public health to maintain a distance of 2 meters from others while in the studio. It is required under the Region of Waterloo By-Law that masks be worn when you are in a public space. Exemptions will be respected without question.

  2. Hand sanitizer will be available for your use if you choose upon arrival at the studio and within the studio space. There is also a sink with soap – hand washing is the most effective means of disinfecting. I will have separate towels for hand washing from metal cleaning and will be washing the towels regularly.

  3. The maximum number of people in the studio will be capped to allow physical distancing and follow the current color zone guidelines.

  4. Instructors will be wearing masks.

  5. All of the tools in the studio are shared and it is not possible to disinfect every one. Hand washing/sanitizing prior to working will solve this problem. If you needed to touch your face, please just wash/sanitize your hands after.

  6. Safety glasses will no longer be shared – each bench will have their own pair and these will be cleaned after each class.

  7. It is recommended to wear an apron during classes to protect your clothes. Aprons are available for your use at the studio, however they are unable to be washed between use and it is recommended that you bring your own to class at this time.
  8. I will have cleaning solution on hand with cloths for those who wish to wipe down their benches, chairs, foredoms, etc before and after class. For this purpose the studio will be open 15 minutes before class and we will allow an extra couple minutes at the end of class to clean. The studio is also thoroughly cleaned each week during classes.
  9. I will keep the windows open in the studio for as long as weather is permitting. There are also ceiling fans and floor fans for airflow. *** The Studio is now also equipped with an air purifier including a UV-C filter ***

  10. I think it goes without saying: if you are unwell please do not come to class. However public health now requires students to be screened prior to attending class.

  11. If you are new to the studio space and wish to come see it before you commit, please e-mail kim@thestudiokw.ca to arrange a time to do this.

  12. Lastly and most importantly: please be kind. The nature of the studio space is not changing. We are a community united for the common goal of creative exploration. The studio is a welcome environment for ALL students and will continue to remain that way.

I will be monitoring and updating these protocols as required.  Students will be notified of all changes.